pediatric rehabilitation medicine
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) at Dayton Children's specializes in the diagnosis and management of children with physically disabling conditions such as brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular disorders and musculoskeletal conditions in order to maximize quality of life by improving function.
Pediatric rehabilitation medicine doctors are physicians trained in physical medicine and rehabilitation who provide evaluation, testing, diagnosis, and treatment planning as well as prescriptions for medications, equipment and therapy. PM&R physicians (also known as physiatrists) are experts in diagnosing and treating problems with nerve, muscles, bones and the brain in order to help your child improve functional independence. Our physicians have special training and experience in treating children and teenagers with disabilities.
Our physicians work closely with a multidisciplinary team including therapists, nurses, orthotists, prosthetists, psychologists, social workers and dieticians. They also collaborate with neurosurgery, neurology, orthopedics, therapy and sports medicine on a regular basis. Our PM&R department coordinates an individualized treatment plan to meet each child’s medical, behavioral, educational and social needs.