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frequently asked questions

answers to questions about the autism diagnostic services

Parents have many questions when they are concerned that their child may have autism. Below are answers to some common questions we hear at the autism diagnostic clinic. Please feel free to contact us with other questions — we are here to help.

what if my child is diagnosed with autism? 

If your child is diagnosed with autism, our team will recommend therapies and programs based on your child’s specific needs. We may refer you to providers at Dayton Children’s such as:

We also refer families to organizations in Dayton and beyond that provide support for families who have a child with autism.

After your child’s evaluation, our social worker will call you to make sure you are getting the resources and assistance you need. We will want to see your child again periodically to see how he or she is responding to the treatment plan and to recommend additional therapy or testing if needed. Our goal is to make sure your child is receiving the care needed in the months and years to come.

do you prescribe medication for children with autism?

There is no medication to treat autism. However, many children with autism have behavior problems that are related to their diagnosis, such as anxiety and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Our physicians can prescribe these medications and make adjustments as needed.

what if the evaluation shows my child does NOT have autism, but may have another condition instead?

If our team believes your child may have a condition other than autism, they may refer you for more testing or treatment. Those services may be based at Dayton Children’s, or they may be offered through other community organizations. Dayton Children’s services that may be helpful include:

how will my child’s primary care physician be involved?

Our goal is to collaborate with your child’s primary care physician to ensure good care coordination. After we complete our evaluation, we will send your child’s primary care physician a comprehensive report about our findings. Your child’s primary care physician will continue to provide care for your child’s general health needs, while our team coordinates specialty care for your child’s developmental needs. If your child takes medication for behavioral issues related to autism, our team will manage that—unless your child’s primary care physician prefers to do it.

contact us

For more information about the autism diagnostic clinic at Dayton Children’s, please call 937-641-4000. Appointments are available with a physician referral.

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