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services and programs

Along with treating a variety of behavioral health conditions for kids, the psychology department at Dayton Children’s also specializes in the following programs:

outpatient services

The psychology department offers outpatient assessment and therapy services for children with chronic medical conditions who may have difficulty with adjustment, coping and adherence. A physician referral is required. 


Dayton Children's psychologist Dr. Christine Abbuhl offers an 8-week information seminar for families of a child diagnosed with ADHD, called Navigating ADHD. In once-a-week sessions, Dr. Abbuhl meets with a group of parents to provide the tools and tactics they need to help their child succeed. A session for children is also offered at the same time. Children must be 8-12 years old and able to participate in a group setting. 

topics include:

  • Understanding the diagnosis
  • School services and your child’s rights
  • Homework battles
  • Handling behaviors and moods
  • Social skills and self-esteem
  • Psychiatrist input on medications


$100 for parents only, $150 for parents and child
Scholarships are available

To inquire about upcoming information sessions please contact us at 937-641-3401.

comfort ability program (CAP)

The Comfort Ability Program (CAP) at Dayton Children’s is a fun, interactive, evidence-based workshop to help adolescents and their parents learn essential skills and strategies needed to manage chronic pain well. CAP is designed for families dealing with all kinds of chronic pain problems such as persistent headache or migraine, abdominal pain, nerve pain, joint pain, disease related pain, post-surgical pain, or any other kind of persistent pain. For more information about CAP click here

educational testing

School is one of your child’s major activities, yet many children struggle with learning and attention. All of our psychologists are trained to assess learning and attention problems and Dr. Christine Abbuhl specializes in their care. If you have educational or academic concerns, please share with your child’s educational team and primary care physician and seek a referral to our psychologists if needed.

CARE House for victims of child abuse

CARE House, Montgomery County’s Child Advocacy Center, serves children who are victims of neglect or abuse.  

Dayton Children’s has a psychologist on staff who is specialized in helping children through child sexual abuse and childhood trauma.Without some sort of therapy intervention, many child victims of abuse will suffer ongoing or long term consequences that could impact them throughout their lives. Therapy is a unique opportunity for a child to meet with a trained professional who can help him or her process the trauma they experienced during abuse. Our process uses evidence-based, trauma-informed treatment that has been proven to be effective in coping with trauma.

Learn more about CARE House at

contact us request an appointment

The psychology department can be reached during business hours of Monday- Thursday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 937-641-3401.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit.

Dayton Children’s expands, consolidates mental health services with opening of Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro

Dayton Children’s opens a Mental Health Outpatient Care Center in Springboro, uniting services to better support families.

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