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mental health outpatient care center - south campus

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operating hours

specialty services hours Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm by appointment only view holiday hours

mental health outpatient care center - south campus

Address 3300 W. Tech Road

Dayton Children's mental health outpatient care center - south campus sees patients by appointment. This is an outpatient facility and does not offer inpatient or emergency services. All services require a physician referral, except outpatient therapy. Services include:

  • Psychology (moved from Remick Blvd)
  • Psychiatry (moved from Remick Blvd)
  • Eating disorders clinic (moved from main campus in Dayton)
  • Outpatient therapy

mental health emergencies

If your child is experiencing a mental health crisis and they are at immediate risk for hurting themselves or others, please call 911 or one of the following agencies.

Crisis Contact Numbers by County

  • Montgomery County Crisis Care: 937-224-4646
  • Clark County: 937-399-9500
  • Warren and Clinton Counties: 1-877-695-6333 (NEED)
  • Butler County: 1-844-427-4747 or 1-844-4CRISIS
  • Greene County: 937-376-8701
  • Darke County, Miami County, Shelby County: 1-800-351-7347