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Flat foot is a condition in which the arches on the inside of a person's foot have less curve to them or are flat, so that the entire sole of the foot rests on the ground when the person is standing.
Parathesia is a burning, prickling, itching, or tingling "pins and needles" skin sensation. Anyone who has had a foot "fall asleep" has experienced temporary paresthesia.
Clubfoot is a birth defect that makes one or both of a baby's feet point down and turn in. Most clubfeet can be successfully corrected using the nonsurgical Ponseti method.
Clubfoot is when a baby is born with feet that point down and turn in. The condition usually can be fixed without surgery. Here's what parents should know.
After clubfoot is corrected in the casting phase, it must be maintained in the bracing phase for up to 5 years. While your baby wore casts, he or she could move the legs independently. But because both feet are in the brace, the legs can only move together.