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Ear Infections

A to Z: Otitis Media (Ear Infection)

Learn more about otitis media, an infection of the middle ear.

Can I Prevent Ear Infections When My Child Swims?

Swimmer's ear is common in kids who spend a lot of time in the water. Here are ways to help prevent outer ear infections.

Ear Tube Surgery

Many kids get middle ear infections (otitis media). Doctors may suggest ear tube surgery for those with multiple infections or a hearing loss or speech delay.


Hearing may be the ears' main job, but it's not all they do. Learn all about the ears in this Body Basics article.

How to Give Your Child Ear Drops

Tips for parents on getting drops into a child's ear.

Middle Ear Infections (Otitis Media)

Ear infections are common among kids and, often, painful. Find out what causes them and how they're treated.

Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa)

Swimmer's ear is an infection of the ear canal caused by many types of bacteria or fungi. Find out how to prevent it.