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Gogi Kumar, MD, Division Chief


development delay, epilepsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome


Gogi Kumar, MD is a pediatric neurologist and division chief of neurology at Dayton Children's Hospital. She is Professor of Pediatrics at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine.

Dr. Kumar was born and raised in India. She completed her medical school and residency in pediatrics in India. Following college, she completed two fellowships, one in clinical neurophysiology at Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, Michigan and another in pediatric neurology at Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York. Dr. Kumar is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She is also board-certified in Clinical neurophysiology and Epilepsy. Dr. Kumar has a special interest in treating patients with epilepsy. She has numerous publications in esteemed journals and has been a member of national committees of the American Epilepsy Society. Her research interests include care redesign to deliver equitable, high-value care and management of epilepsy in children.

When asked why she chose to specialize in pediatric neurology she said that she feels motivated by the complexity of the neurological disorders affecting children and wants to obtain the best outcomes for children with epilepsy. The tenacity and resilience of the children and the unconditional love the families exhibit inspire her to do the very best.

Outside of the hospital, Dr. Kumar enjoys reading, cooking and traveling with her family.

Languages Spoken: English, Hindi


Meet Dr. Kumar

Learn more about why Dr. Kumar enjoys her job and what it will be like to being your child to her.


Brain mapping for epilepsy surgery using the Rosa Robot at Dayton Children's Hospital

schedule an appointment

If your child is an existing patient, log in to MyKidsChart to schedule directly with your provider for follow-up care.

If you are new to the Dayton Children’s neurology clinic, use the online scheduling tool below to schedule an appointment. New patient appointments must be done in person. To schedule by phone call 937-641-4000

conditions you can schedule for:

  • Headaches and migraine
  • General neurology - developmental delays, numbness/tingling, weakness, ataxia (unsteady gait), hyper/hypotonia
  • Movement disorders - tics, Tourette's syndrome, tremors, chorea, clonus, dystonia

If your child needs to be seen for epilepsy/seizures or another condition not listed as an option for online scheduling, please call 937-641-4000 to schedule an appointment.

education and training

  • medical school: MBBS - Patna Medical College Hospital, Patna, India
  • fellowship - Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG, EMG & Epilepsy Surgery)
    • Children’s Hospital of Michigan
    • Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
  • fellowship - Pediatric Neurology
    • Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York
    • Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New York
  • board certification:
    • American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
    • Clinical neurophysiology
    • Neurology with special qualifications in child neurology
    • Epilepsy

    publications and presentations

    course director:

    • Course Director - Updates in Pediatric Neurology (A 5-hour CME offering for pediatricians and local and regional neurologists)
    • September 28th 2013, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Dayton, OH
      Presentation on ‘Management of acute and recurrent seizures’
    • October 18th, 2014, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Dayton, OH
      Presentation on ‘Alternative and complementary therapy in epilepsy’


    • Goenka A, Fonseca LD, Kumar G. Demographic and geographic variations in the access time of pediatric patients presenting with staring spells. Epilepsy Behav. 2023 Jun 17; 145:109299.

    • Goenka A, Chikkannaiah M, Fonseca LD, Kumar G. Peripheral Nerve Blocks: A Tool for Inpatient Pediatric Status Migranosus. Pediatr Neurol. 2023 Jan; 138:81-86.

    • Goenka A, Fonseca LD, Yu SG, George MC, Wong C, Stolfi A, Kumar G. Staring spells in children with autism spectrum disorder: A clinical dilemma. Autism 2022 Nov 23:1362

    • Goenka A, Reyes I, Fonseca LD, George MC, Stolfi A, Kumar G. Staring Spells: An Age-based Approach Toward Differential Diagnosis. Child Neurol. 2022 Nov 13.

    • Set KK, Bailey J, Kumar G. Reduction of No-Show Rate for New Patients in Pediatric Neurology Clinic. JT Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2022 Dec;47(12):674-681.

    • Wagner J, Bhatia S, Marquis BO, Vetter I, Beatty CW, Garcia R, Joshi C, Kumar G, Rao K, Singhal N, Skiei K. Health Disparities in Pediatric Epilepsy: Methods and Lesson Learned. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2022 Aug 5:1-10.

    • Joshi M, Gunawardena S, Goenka A, Ey E, Kumar G. Post COVID-19 Lymphocytic Hypophysitis: A Rare Presentation. Child Neurol Open. 2022 May 20;9

    • Goenka A, Yu SG, George M,- Chikkannaiah M, MacDonald S, Stolfi A, Kumar G. Is Botox right for me: When to assess the efficacy of the Botox injection for chronic migraine in pediatric population. Neuropediatrics. 2022 Apr 22.

    • Goenka A, Yu SG, Chikkannaiah M, George MC, MacDonald S, Stolfi A, Kumar G. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Predictor for Poor Responsiveness to Botulinum Toxin Type A Therapy for Pediatric Migraine. Pediatric Neurology. May 2022; 130: 21-27.

    • Gunawardena S, Chikkannaiah M, Solfi A, Kumar G. Utility of electroencephalogram in the pediatric emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. Jan 2022; 23; 54:26-29.

    • Adducchio S, Reyes I, Chikkannaiah M, Rasch M, Kumar G. Bilateral ptosis, zosteriform rash and flaccid bladder in a 10-year-old boy. Child Neurology Open. Jan 2022.

    • Kumar G, Payne AM, Maag LM, MacDonald S. Efficacy of a pediatric headache infusion center: A single-center experience. Headache. 2021 Jul ;61(7):1086-1091.

    • Kumar G. Evaluation and management of drug-resistant epilepsy in children. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2021 Jul;51(7):101035.

    • Goenka A, Chikkannaiah M, Kumar G. Pediatric auto-immune encephalitis. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2021 Jul;5(7):101031.

    • Bailey J, West M, Agarwal R, Kumar G. Measuring the Barriers to Adherence with Neurology Clinic Appointments for Children with Epilepsy: A Pilot Study. Child Neurol Open. 2021 Apr 27;8:232904

    • Kumar G, Mezoff A. Physician Burnout at a Children's Hospital: Incidence, Interventions, and Impact. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 Sep 2;5(5):e345. 

    • Patel AD, Berg AT, Billinghurst L, Fain D, Fecske E, Feyma T, Grinspan Z, Houtrow A, Kothare S, Kumar G, Lee E, Monduy M, Morita D, Szperka CL, Victorio MC, Yeh A, Buchhalter JR. Quality improvement in neurology: Child neurology quality measure set: Executive summary. Neurology. 2018 Jan 9;90(2):67-73 

    • Kumar G, Ludwig, B, Patel V. Vertebral artery dissection masquerading as concussion in an adolescent: Accepted for publication in Pediatric emergency care
    • Chikkannaiah M, Ruedrich, Elizabeth and Kumar, G: Wallenberg's Lateral Medullary Syndrome in an Adolescent. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 May 12. pii: S0735-6757(16)30131-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2016.05.022.
    • Rando JM, Szari SM, Kumar G, Lingaverdu H. Methadone overdose causing acute cerebellitis and multi-organ damage. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Feb; 34(2): 343.e1-3.
    • Kumar G, Dixon, A. Benign hereditary chorea: a case report and brief review of inherited choreas. Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Oct; 51(4): 532-6.
    • Kumar G, Mittal S, Moudgil SS, Kupsky WJ, Shah AK. Histopathological evidence that hippocampal atrophy following status epilepticus is a result of neuronal necrosis. J Neurol Sci. 2013 Nov 15; 334(1-2): 186-91.
    • Kumar G, Juhász C, Sood S, Asano E. Olfactory hallucinations elicited by electrical stimulation via subdural electrodes: effects of direct stimulation of olfactory bulb and tract. Epilepsy Behav. 2012 Jun; 24 (2): 264-8.
    • Kumar G, Topper L, Maytal J. Familial Hemiplegic Migraine with Prolonged Aura and Multimodality Imaging: Headache 2009; 49 (1): 139-42.

    presentations at national meetings:

    • Lee, D, Fonseca, LD, Goenka, A, Kumar, G, Chikkannaiah, M. "Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome secondary to ADAR mutation masquerading as athetoid cerebral palsy." annual Child Neurology Society Meeting. October 2023. Vancouver, Canada.
    • Parekh, A, Fonseca, LD, Agarwal, A, Kumar, G, Chikkannaiah, M. "Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion (AESD) secondary to norovirus infection." Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting. October 2023. Vancouver, Canada.
    • Chikkannaiah, M, Yu, S, Fonseca, LD, Goenka, A, Kumar, G. "Pediatric Stroke associated with inflammatory focal cerebral arteriopathy secondary to tuberculous meningitis in the United States." International Pediatric Stroke Organization. April 2023. Virtual Conference.
    • Dereci, L, Fonseca, LD, Elliott, J, Taylor, M, Kumar, G. "Clinical and Demographic Presentation of Accidental Ingestion of Marijuana in Children: A single-site retrospective cohort." National Conference & Exhibition's Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention Program at American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference. October 2023. Washington, DC.
    • Fonseca, LD, Dereci, L, Elliott, J, Taylor, M, Kumar, G. "Accidental ingestion of marijuana in children 0 to 6 years of age: A single site retrospective cohort." Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting. October 2023. Vancouver, Canada.
    • Talreja, R, Fonseca, LD, Chikkannaiah, M, Goenka, A, Kumar, G. "Arachnoid Cyst in Children: Natural History and Clinical Presentation." Digital Poster at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. April 2023.
    • Gupta, N, Agarwal, R, Hart, L, Gathers-Hutchinson, L, Kumar, G. "PNES in Children: Efficacy of an interdisciplinary Program." Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. December 2022. Nashville, Tennessee.
    • Goenka, A, George, M, Yu, G, Fonseca, LD, Kumar, G. " Staring Spells in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Dilemma." Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. December 2022. Nashville, Tennessee.
    • Talreja, R, Fonseca, LD, Chikkannaiah, M, Goenka, A, Kumar, G. "Arachnoid Cyst in Children: Natural History and Clinical Presentation." Digital Poster at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting. October 2022. Fan Francisco, California.
    • Goenka, A, George, M, Yu, G, Fonseca, LD, Kumar, G. Demographic and Geographic Variations in the Pediatric Diagnosis of Staring Spells. Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. December 2022. Nashville, Tennessee.
    • MacDonald, S, Krysiak, T, Rhodes, S, Kumar, G. "Steps Toward Transition - Assessing knowledge and providing education for adolescents with epilepsy." Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting. October 2022. Cincinnati, OH.
    • MacDonald, S, Krysiak, T, Rhodes, S, Kumar, G. "Measuring Transition Readiness in Adolescents with Epilepsy: Opportunities and Challenges." Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting. October 2022. Cincinnati, OH.
    • Skiei, K, Joshi, C, Kumar, G, Garci, R- et al. "Healyh Disparities and Inequities in Pediatric Epilepsy" Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. December 2021. Chicago, IL.
    • Gunawardena, S, Chikkannaiah, M, Kumar, G. "Utility of Electroencephalogram in a Pediatric Emergency Department." Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. December 2021. Chicago. IL.
    • Gunawardena, S, Chikkannaiah, M, Kumar, G. "Utility of Electroencephalogram in a Pediatric Emergency Department." Ohio State University Hospital Medicine Symposium. October 2021. Dayton, Ohio.
    • Gunawardena, S, Goenka, A, Ey, E, Kumar, G. "Post COVID-19 lymphocytic hypophysitis: A rare presentation." Ohio State University Hospital Medicine Symposium. October 2021. Dayton, Ohio.
    • Payne, A, Maag, ML, MacDonald, S, Kumar, G. "Efficacy of a Pediatric Headache Infusion Center in Reducing Emergency Room Visits and Cost of Care." The American Academy of Neurology. Virtual Conference. April 2021.
    • Wagner, JL, Fedak, Romanowski, E, Garcia, SR, Joshi, C, Kumar, G, Marquis BO, Park M, Rao K, Patel E, Bhatia S & Skiei K. "Health disparities in pediatric epilepsy." The Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference. April 2021. Phoenix, AZ.
    • Bailey, J, west, M, Agarwal, R, Kumar, G. "Barriers to adherence to neurology clinic appointments for children with epilepsy - A pilot study." The American Epilepsy Society. Virtual. December, 2020.
    • Kumar G, Kan, L, Maytal, J. Leveterecitam use in children with epilepsy: Efficacy and safety data. Presented as a poster presentation in the American Epilepsy Society annual meeting at New Orleans, December 2005.
    • Kumar G, Juhász C, Sood S, Asano E. Olfactory hallucinations elicited by electrical stimulation via subdural electrodes: effects of direct stimulation of olfactory bulb and tract. Presented as a poster presentation at the American Epilepsy Society annual meeting at San Antonio, December 2012.
    • Workman H, Miller M, Kumar, G Dynamic Duo: TSC1 and TSC2 mutations in a single patient with Tuberous sclerosis. Presented as a poster presentation at the March, 2014 American College of Medical Genetics Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting.
    • Kashou N, Dixon A, Kumar G: Volumetric Analysis of Focal Epilepsy in Children. Presented as a poster presentation at the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Annual meeting at Houston, February 2015
    • Also accepted for the AAN 2015 Annual meeting.
    • Medaugh E, Adducchio S, Kumar G: The impact of implementing epilepsy educational tools for nursing staff in the pediatric setting. Presented as a poster presentation at the American Epilepsy Society annual meeting at Pittsburgh, December 2015.
    • Kumar G, Chikkannaiah M, Stolfi A: Parent and patient attitudes towards use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with epilepsy. Presented as a poster presentation at the American Epilepsy Society annual meeting at Pittsburgh, December 2015
    • Kumar G, Rufin A ; Reasons for noncompliance on the ketogenic diet: A single center prospective study", Presented as a poster presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, December 2 - 6 in Houston, Texas.
    • MacDonald S, Kumar G, Lacey D; Utility of a pediatric headache infusion service in preventing ED visits and inpatient admissions.  Poster presentation 47th Annual Child Neurology Society Meeting in Chicago, October 15-18, 2018 

    • Kumar G, Mezoff A, People V: The impact of a Physician Wellness Committee at a Children’s Hospital. Poster presentation at American Conference on Physicians Health: September 19-21st, 2019, Charlotte, North Carolina. 

    • Bailey J, West M, Agarwal R, Kumar G: Barriers to adherence to neurology clinic appointments for children with epilepsy – A pilot study: Accepted for a poster presentation at the American Epilepsy Society’s  virtual event AES2020 to be held Friday, December 4 – Tuesday, December 8.  

    • Maag ML, Payne A, MacDonald S, Kumar G: Cost effectiveness and outcome of a pediatric headache infusion center. Poster presentation at the virtual Child Neurology Society-International Child Neurology Association Conference, October 12-23rd, 2020. 

    grand rounds:

    • Equity in child neurology: the path forward. Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, Pediatric Neurology Grand Rounds, April 2023.
    • Equity in healthcare: the path forward. Dayton Children's Hospital, May 2023, Dayton, Ohio
    • Physician wellness at Dayton Children's: past, present and future. November 2022.
    • Quality of life in pediatric epilepsy: Beyond seizure control. Dayton Children's Hospital, January 2021, Dayton, Ohio
    • Invited speaker: Medical marijuana update 
      Ohio school nurses association annual conference, March 2019. 
    • Quality of life in pediatric epilepsy: Beyond seizure control: Pediatric Neurosciences Symposium, November 2019, Dayton, Ohio  
    • Medical marijuana update: Dayton Children’s Hospital, May 2019 
    • Ketogenic Diet: DCH experience, Dayton Children’s Hospital, February 2015
    • Non-pharmacological therapies in the management of intractable epilepsy: Department of Neurosciences, Wright State University, Nov 2014
    • Frontiers in Epilepsy - from the trenches, a clinician’s perspective: Invited Speaker - Annual Neuroscience Symposium, Wright State University, Oct 2014
    • Complementary and alternative therapies in the management of pediatric epilepsy: Second annual updates in pediatric epilepsy, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Oct 2014
    • Management of acute and recurrent seizures in children: First annual updates in pediatric epilepsy, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Sept 2013
    • Management of Intractable Epilepsy in Children: Dayton Children’s Hospital, Feb 2013
    • Management of Pediatric Epilepsy: Invited Speaker - Ohio Association of School Nurses conference Seminar, March 05, 2011
    • Movement Disorders in Children: Dayton Children’s Hospital, September 2010
    • Management of Pediatric Epilepsy: Invited Speaker- St Rita’s Hospital, Lima, OH Nov 2008
    • Mitochondrial Disorders: An overview Invited Speaker - Reid Hospital, Richmond, Indiana, May 2008
    • Epilepsy Syndromes in ChildhoodInvited Speaker -Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, November 2006
    • Mitochondrial disorders: An Overview - Pediatric Grand Rounds at Children’s Medical Center, Dayton. June 2006
    • Treatment of Myesthenia Gravis in Children: Schneider Children’s Hospital, July 2004
    • Cortical malformations of the Brain: Schneider Children’s Hospital, NY, May 2003

    awards, honors and organizations

    • 2022 Doctor's Day awards for living the value of Ownership
    • 2019 Alan D Shader service in recognition of outstanding service to patients, Dayton Children's Hospital and the community
    • Medical Education Award
    • Patient's Choice Award
    • Fellowship - Epilepsy Foundation Ohio
    ratings and reviews

    Question Rating Breakdown

    star star star star star

    Provider Rating


















    star star star star star

    I think Dr. Kumar is awesome. I do wish that we had more time together so that we can really get down to all of our needs. But I do believe that she's an awesome doctor and an awesome teacher. We learned a lot from her over the years and we really appreciate her.

    star star star star star

    Dr. Kumar is always on time to appointments. She also always asks my opinion and allows me to make decisions about my child's treatment plan.

    star star star star star

    The attention provided was very good, everyone was very friendly, and the professionalism of the doctor, the nurse, and all the people who attended to us was evident... very satisfied with the service.

    star star star star star

    Dr. Kumar has made a huge difference in our lives from our initial appointment with my daughter. She listens, is encouraging, offers support and understands daily challenges of being a special needs parent. Everytime I leave after a visit I feel motivated to continue to do the best we are doing and that it's okay to have a bad day emotionally once in a while. To never say never.

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    Laura Hart, APRN, FNP-C

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    Tina Krysiak, RN, MSN, APRN, CPNP

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    Sara Adducchio, CNP

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